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◌ Anchorage FEA Analysis: Double Wall Nitrogen Storage Tank.
첨부파일 Anchorage FEA Report_Nitrogen Storage Tank.pdf (0) Size : 3.7 Mb Date 2019.11.27 Hits 2441

Keyword: Anchorage FEA Analysis, Double Wall Storage Tank, Nitrogen Storage Tank, ANSYS, FEA, Covective Mass, Impulsive Mass, Seismic Load, Equivalent Seismic Load, API 650 Annex.E Method, Analytical and Numerical Analysis Method, Analytical convective pressure and mass, numerical impulsive pressure and mass, Dynamic Pressure and Mass using the ANSYS


This analysis will check structural integrity for components of the NITROGEN STORAGE TANK. To evaluate protection against plastic collapse, limit load analysis method has been considered. Limit-load analysis addresses the failure modes of ductile rupture and the onset of gross plastic deformation (plastic collapse) of a structure. It is to be applied to single or multiple static loading, applied in any specified order. This analysis is performed to determine a lower bound to the limit load of a component. The allowable load on the component is established by applying design factors to the limit load such that the onset of gross plastic deformations (plastic collapse) will not occur In addition, local failure also will be evaluated by computed triaxial stress on the basis of specified limits on 2017 ASME Sec., Div.2, PART5 (DESIGN BY ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS). Maximum Allowable Stress Value(S) is used from table.5-1 in API620 12Th Edition. ADD.1 Annex.Q, NOV.2014 and 2017 ASME Sec.VIII Div.2 as well.